Sunday, April 25, 2010

Kaia's 1st B-Day Party (2 days early)

Today we spent the afternoon with friends and their families celebrating Kaia's 1st Birthday. Kaia was great and REALLY enjoyed her cake once she knew she could eat it (almost half of it). Kalan did great as the big brother and pretty good with the idea that this was her day (hard to share these things when they have always been for him). Tonight when I put him to bed and asked "What was your favorite part of today?" he said " Singing Happy Birthday to Kaia" He does love his sister!

Time has really flown by. Kalan is in school and sports and Kaia is walking and keeping everyone busy. This past year has been wonderful with the addition of our beautiful baby girl, Kaia.

Kaia's Birthday Party

Spring Sports

Thursday, April 22, 2010

She's Walking!

She took her first real steps while Kalan was at an appointment. When I came home I was able to record this.

Sunday, April 4, 2010